Welcome to The Parish of Heysham

St Peters Church

Traditional Worship, Sundays at 10:45 & 1st Wednesdays at 10:00

We have an ancient worship space in St Peter’s Church of England. It is a building that is permeated with the prayers of the faithful for more than 1200 years.  We do worship in a manner that is congruent with our space.  We are contemplative.  We listen to the Holy Scriptures. We are joyful.  We express our praise of the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ with hymns and spiritual songs.  Given our ambience, this is accompanied by our historic pipe organ, our village choir, and the sometimes use of acoustic instruments.

St James Church

All-Age Service, Sundays 09:15

We are All Age. We are accessible to young and old, churched and for those of us church is a new thing, a distant memory, or even a bad memory.  We are contemporary.  We have a modern space, carpeted with freestanding chairs, allowing us to set up in a variety of ways.  We use power-point, video, and the internet to enhance our worship. We are interactive.  We discuss God and life. We genuinely listen to one another, young and old. We value each other’s contribution.  We are godly.  We listen to God’s map the Bible and in our own faulty ways practice it.


We believe God speaks, and as people of faith, we receive his word as our source of wisdom for life and belief. God calls us to remain faithful to him and his word. We are thoughtful. God has given us minds to use. We are called to serve him here, in the North-west of England in a growing community with a diverse industrial employment sector and all the associated supporting networks.  We are respectful. We are not the experts.  We are fellow journey persons in life, and we want to be a community that supports each other as we seek to express the kingdom of God. We explore what it means to follow a 1st century person (Jesus) living in a 21st century world.